THE UNIFIED PROJECT is a 501c3 that is also doing business as UNIFIED.
What sets us apart from other organizations is our approach. We don’t see impoverished communities as passive aid recipients but as active change agents. We don’t impose our solutions on them but work with them to find the best ones. We don’t focus on their problems but on their strengths and opportunities. Our purpose is not to make them dependent on us but to empower them to be independent and self-reliant. We don’t just help impoverished communities survive; we help them unleash their potential, overcome their challenges, and thrive. Through that, we aspire to foster community development and social justice by creating SMART, simple, and impactful solutions that make a difference.
Support providing basic needs and services to poverty-stricken communities.
Demonstrate that self-resilience and self-reliance come from within.
We adopt diversity and inclusion in our work style because we follow the principles of humanitarian action (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, and Independence). Thus, Compassion, Integrity, Collaboration, Innovation, and Accountability guide and inform our work.
Theory of Change
(our overarching vision for a change)
Excerpting the short story of the famous writer "Paulo Coelho: A father was trying to read the newspaper, but his little son kept pestering him. Finally, the father grew tired of this, and, tearing a page from the newspaper that bore a world map, he cut it into several pieces and handed them to his son. 'Right, now you've got something to do. I've given you a world map, and I want to see if you can put it back together correctly.' He resumed reading, knowing the task would keep the child occupied for the rest of the day. However, a quarter of an hour later, the boy returned with the map. 'Has your mother been teaching you geography?' asked his father in astonishment. 'I don't even know what that is,' replied the boy. 'But there was a photo of a man on the other side of the page, so I put the man back together and found I'd put the world back together too.' read more...
The boy's response sounds random but quite precise. A better living makes a better society because the well-being of communities correlates with the well-being of people contributing to them. When people get hooked on stress, their behavior changes involuntarily due to the pressures life puts on them; they start doing things that worsen their lives. Some incidents make people hostile, exhausted, and depressed, which drains their emotions and mental health. And at some point, they lose hope and believe nothing will get better.
Underserved demographics who suffer homelessness and marginalization feel the same on a larger scale. Their daily stress and challenges make mainstreaming and engaging in social activities hard. From a simple humanitarian perspective, every human has the right to access water, food, shelter, and health care as survival components, regardless of where they come from or where they are. It can get better only if all components are present. Fulfilling the circle of human needs catalyzes underserved communities to overcome their overwhelming daily odds;
Our theory of change is grounded in eliminating vulnerability by tapping into the untapped resources in communities and providing the tools that enable people to learn to grow, recover and thrive.
Practically, transform people's perspectives and attitudes to navigate more opportunities in life. The survival components contribute to supporting or continuing the other. We strive for sustainability and social justice. Therefore our approach is holistic for change to unfold.