WATER & SANITATION | Villages rely on outdated wells that produce contaminated water stored in open tanks. Some villagers must travel three hours daily to fetch water directly from the river. However, the river water is also unsafe, as it gets mixed with the sewage from the latrines during the rainy season. This creates a conducive environment for disease outbreaks in villages.
HEALTHCARE | Villages face significant barriers to accessing quality healthcare services due to inadequate health infrastructure, shortage of trained and qualified health workers, unavailability and unaffordability of health commodities, and lack of transportation.
EDUCATION | Omer grew up in El-Azaza El-Rawaj village, facing many educational challenges. He lacked support, a suitable environment, and medication. He worked hard to finish high school and enter the university. He earned a degree in psychology but is still jobless and cannot find an opportunity to work.
ENVIRONMENT | Rural areas face diverse and complex environmental challenges, such as degradation of natural resources, vulnerability to climate change impacts, limited access to clean and renewable energy sources, and deterioration in health, hygiene, and productivity due to a lack of water supply and sanitation.
LIVELIHOOD | Rural population most depend on agriculture for income and food security. However, agriculture in Sudan is constrained by low productivity, conflict and displacement, climate change, and environmental degradation, resulting in poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition, and vulnerability.